Hedge Fund Performance (5 years to end-March 2012)
In this research
presentation, FPM Advisers serve to evaluate and share findings about hedge
fund performance for the five years to end-March 2012. Investors believe it is
a significant window to assess medium-term
performance of hedge funds through this unique business cycle. Further we
suggest that the significance of the last 5 years is in its forecasting ability
for the next medium-term outlook.
From studies of
business and market cycles after a housing and financial bubble, the current cycle
which ensued in 2007 as a de-leveraging turning point is expected to have enduring
effects, perhaps into 2017 (See Reinhart and Rogoff reference in FPM’s last
blog: Head-
and Tail-Winds in 2012) .
Briefly, some
fundamentals suggest more de-leveraging and economic pain is necessary. Not
least from over-grown national debt burdens in some developed nations, where debt to GDP is near or over the 90%
unsustainable level. A level identified by the above cited economists
Reinhart and Rogoff. FPM’s long-memory serves to remind us that in-vogue Spain entered
the credit crisis with 40% debt to GDP, while now it is greater than 60%. Also
confounding, is that the UK
entered the crisis with debts at 94% of GDP! FPM understands the other forces
at play, such as the question of fiscal and monetary integration in the European
FPM Hedge Fund Risk-Performance Analysis
We present the risk-performance analysis of all 32 HFRI Hedge Fund Indices and the S&P
500 market proxy, during the past 5 years. Our last comprehensive analysis of
all HFRI hedge fund indices was for the four years to June 2011 – see Hedge
Fund Performance Since July 2007.
The colour highlights
in Table 1 below displays the outliers and median statistics comparing all hedge
fund and market benchmarks. The colours highlight the best, worst and median performances
for a given metric (green, yellow and
cyan respectively). This graphic visual helps to select from the mix of
strategies and their corresponding statistics. This tool towards fund portfolio
management we call “FPM Performance
Comparison Tool” or “FPM PCT”.
The hedge fund indices presented in the table are sorted in descending order of Sharpe ratio performance. Top of the table is a Sharpe ratio performance of 1.47 (highlighted green) from Relative Value – Fixed Income Asset Backed strategies. (In September 2011 FPM investigated and introduced this stellar performance strategy in its research entitled Credit Markets @ Workout Inflexion Point.) At the bottom of the table is the FOF - Conservative Index, producing a negative Sharpe of -0.43, highlighted yellow.
While the
allocation decision is a complex one our FPM tools certainly makes it a
simpler. Given an investor’s risk-reward preference, the rear-view mirror of performance can suggest performance
expectations of strategies in given market conditions, ceteris paribus. Or else the FPM table
is used to compare a customised portfolio’s performance over the same horizon.
A hedge fund allocator running a conservative portfolio for a treasury or chief investment office, may select low volatility investment strategies aiming to preserve capital – and by implication selecting funds exhibiting such characteristics.
Conservative Portfolio
Allocation Considerations
A hedge fund allocator running a conservative portfolio for a treasury or chief investment office, may select low volatility investment strategies aiming to preserve capital – and by implication selecting funds exhibiting such characteristics.
Over the past
5-years an Event Driven - Merger
Arbitrage strategy produced the lowest annual volatility of only 3.5%, with
the median annualised volatility being 8.3%. A ‘median vol’ investment fund with
diversification benefits can be sourced from the Fund of Funds – Strategic class. Similar median low risk returns
were demonstrated over the 5 years by Event
Driven - Distressed/Restructuring and Relative
Value - Fixed Income-Corporate buckets. So a positive selection based on
volatility alone suggests 5 different sub-strategies of hedge funds to choose
from. Ignoring aggregated indices, the top 5 least risky sub-strategies are
shown below:
Top 5 Low Volatility Hedge Fund Strategies (over Apr’07 to Mar’12)
Fund Sub-Strategy
Annualised Volatility
Merger Arbitrage Index
Equity Market Neutral Index
Fixed Income-Asset Backed
Conservative Index
Private Issue/Regulation D Index
Also, perhaps there
are other strategies to avoid or de-select in aiming to minimise volatility:
such as Emerging Markets - Total
strategies, which exhibited a high 14.7% annualised volatility over the said
period. This is almost as twice as much as a median volatility strategy such as
ED - Distressed/Restructuring, RV - Fixed Income-Corporate Index or FOF -
Strategic Index.
We suggested ‘perhaps’
avoid Emerging Markets strategies because in fact adding the appropriate marginal
weighting of a sub-strategy could be marginally incremental to absolute returns
than additional risk for the said conservative portfolio. For instance, including
an Emerging Markets - Asia
ex-Japan strategy, with a positive Sharpe ratio of 0.13, would be a net
risk-return benefit. Over the past 5 years, 0.14 is the median Sharpe ratio of
all hedge funds performance.
Other strategies
unsuitable for the CIO / Treasury portfolio may be the Equity Hedge - Sector (Energy/Basic Materials) Index, exhibiting 18% annualised volatility,
the third riskiest sub-strategy in a mean-variance framework.
Attention Reader: Please understand that analysing indices
is a similar process to evaluating the underlying or representative funds, i.e.
unifying top-down and bottom-up analysis in hedge fund allocation decisions.
Important to recognise that analysing benchmarks is in
effect studying averages. So imagine the complexity of the risk-return variations in the underlying hedge funds, in spite of the caveats of
mean-variance framework.
* An updated version
of FPM Hedge Fund Risk-Performance table using the third and final revision
from HFR databases is available upon
request when HFR Research Inc publishes final revision for March on May 1st,
Macro Strategy Focus
In this paradigm
of fundamental shifts in macro variables
of global economies, our first and foremost recommendation for inclusion in
a fund portfolio is a global macro hedge fund strategy. Chart 1 below shows the
‘stalwart performance’ persistence of the macro benchmark during this
fundamental economic shift paradigm.
Chart 1: Click on Image to
View in Full Screen
FPM’s lead series of hedge fund managers
who typically employ a global macro strategy, known as the “Commodities Corporation Offspring”, are
Tudor Investment Corp (Paul Tudor Jones), Moore Capital (Louis Bacon) and Caxton Associates (Bruce Kovner).
Despite the unspectacular 2011 performance
of these three managers, as reported via Reuters in Most
Global Macro Hedge Funds Suffer, Brevan Howard Thrives, we believe in the
swings-and-roundabout performance of these leading lights. Of the top London-based
global macro managers, there is at quick-pick Brevan Howard (Alan Howard) and Balestra
Capital (James Melcher).
Of the two main styles global macro trading,
discretionary and systematic, both styles had a difficult year in 2011. Witness
Tudor, Caxton and Moore who tend towards discretionary. FPM Excel level screen
dump below shows that the systematic style had the ‘Worst Drawdown % (& Period)’ of -6% between May and June of
Screen Dump 1: Click on Image to
View in Full Screen
the author this is somewhat revealing and indicative that the systematic models
and algorithms which endured the peak of the credit crisis crash produced the
worst drawdown in its aftermath! Since these global macro traders digest fundamental
and technical data, the difficulty in generating performance suggest there’s likely to be a prolonged and incongruous flux between economic and market conditions. Or as Simon Kerr, an independent investment
consultant succinctly considers this dichotomy in his recent
blog: “…If the fundamentals are still in gear with the original trade idea,
and the outcomes are being driven for the reasons looked for then the trader
will concentrate on the technical position”.
As FPM noted at
the beginning of this note, about ‘this unique business cycle’, we believe their
predictive powers encapsulated in the last 60 months of hedge fund strategy
performance. Further that the regulatory and Fed-watching for policies, whether
real or rhetoric dressing, and their outcome is crucial to economic and market comprehension
by traders and investors. As if on cue for this article, just as much as
double-dip was augured, and as FPM like to say “Stop Press!”: UK economy in double-dip
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