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Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Totality of Economic Social Cost - An Implosion Fire-Cracker - DRAFT

 Economics a much heralded phenomena of developed western nation states - bah! and an increasing one by degrees in emerging countries, say in the propagating “global south” nations.

Even in the epochal 1972 economics-based publication “The Limits To Growth” NOT a solitary sausage of a mention regarding THIS concern about colosall impact of social / external costs. All economic afficinadoes or dillittants are aware of social-cost or externalities concept, as must as transaction-cost and such other “costs” in business” The purport of that report forecasting “the predicament of mankind” in their “profound concern for humanity” was commissioned by then presumed oligarch countries known as the “Club of Rome” (nowadays in 2025 similar elite nations and actors constitute the World Economic Forum or such rulers-of-the-world clubs institution and secret cabals).

Simply put, the totality of social-costs are the greater hidden impact from the economic activity of production manufacturing marketing distribution etcetra ultimately from final consumption costs (take an emergency approval vaccine in Covid19 era - death s / was potential cost!) . All such activity has uncosted sale-price multiplier effects. Impacting wider society that is not necessarily borne-out in the price individuals pay when purchasing and even thereafter consuming the product. There are "soooo" many examples, we will produce a scary list!  For vogue example, a cigarette product, tobacco companies and smoking consumption – as an economic activity with a multi-billion dollars industry - does not pay for the health impact of smoking on its consumers. 


We know smoking does have detrimental effects, viz. packets of cigarettes with health-warning after multi-year legal battle to get the industry to accept the dirty secret lies within its non-ESG industr. That damage to health, especially from long-term smoking and addiction in cigarettes cigars (and nowadays “vapes” and vaporised smoke!), is a clear undeniable example of extraneous “social-cost”. The costs and payment for suffering recovering  and treatment from smoking-related illnesses is paid by the individuals, where healthcare is not universal provisom, free at the point of need. Damn shame on sham Governments not provioning in its duty of care of governed people especially the shambles tha is known as a wealthy country United State of America! Some responsible Governments who deem it their duty to look after its citizens still though reluctantly provide free necessary healthcare, e.g. in the United Kingdom where outside anti-social forces are trying erode that costly provision for British citizens

Social cost is an iceberg-construct subject of this investigative study (not to be confused with propagandised investigative journalism, with an abstract persuasive conclusion).

The introduction highlighted mention of the “Global South” is also primary case-study in this examination of extraneous costs. Which without being implicit in the price of things produced distributed and eventually paid as “retail price”, will or is having dire medium-term consequences for the charachter of society and environment, in the bigger sense of meaning: A few G7 countries doing unaccounted economics activity is one thing but global States following such a suite is the implosion bang! we refer. We make analogy of current state of economics to a deliberate built-in flawed genius. If micro economics was a tennis player - he would be John McEnroe! To make vivid our concerns. 


> the increase in competition of making unlicensed or free-market for dentistry means there are many dentists out there not necessarily to serve their public’s dental health, but to extract as many fees from as many visits on as many teeth issues cause or manifested – suspicious and dubious, made of an essential service, but a racket of demand and supply. The “increased choice” PR was the rhetoric to anti-competitive businesses.